Ana (@anyaarttt)

I would say I’m an artist, but I mostly just draw for fun.



This page contains some of my favourite drawings! You can find more on both my Twitter and Instagram - Twitter also contains sketches!

About me + byf!

About me!

Hi! My name Ana but I also go by Anya.
• I’m a 22-year-old artist from Denmark!
• I use they/them pronouns
• I speak both English and Danish, but I’m able to understand Norwegian and Swedish as well!
• I’m a full time university student! My major is art history and my minor is history. I just started masters program.
• Hajime Kashimo is my favourite character, so I post a lot about him! ♡
• I like cooking, so I might occasionally post pictures of the dishes I’ve made (on Twitter)
• I’m a big horror fan, I especially like zombie movies, the works of Junji Ito, Dead Space, the Alien franchise, Fear & Hunger and Until Dawn.



• I do on occasion post NSFW content without warning (blood or censored nudity, specifically). Though, if I do post anything NSFW (like gore or content highly sexual in nature) I will post a warning!
• My accounts are not spoiler free. I try not to interact with jjk leaks, but I will post about the new chapters on their official release date.
• About tone indicators: I am neurodivergent, which does sometimes affect my ability to “read-the-room” or I take things too literally. If you ever need tone indicators from me, feel free to ask! ♡
• For this very same reason (neurodivergence), I sometimes suck at commenting. If we’re mutuals or even if you’ve just commented on my art I might not respond immediately. I have no actual explanation for this, except uhhh… my brain is stupid.
• I sometimes shitpost Twitter, mostly with jokes about Kashimo.
• I am more active on Twitter than I am on Instagram.

Picture of Kashimo for your viewing pleasure! ♡
